Many non-profits rely on and value volunteer contributions. Volunteers might help out at fundraising events or make deliveries in company vehicles. Volunteers make up valuable manpower when you have a limited budget.
However, volunteers bring liability risks with them. A non-profit must carry insurance coverage to protect itself from volunteer risks.
Insuring Volunteer Risks
It's important to do more than just protect your non-profit from the risks volunteers pose. It's also essential that you protect the volunteers from risks your organization's activities pose to them.
You can often insure volunteers with the common policies non-profits carry. These might include:
- Commercial Auto Insurance: Volunteers who drive on behalf of the business will need insurance. Use this coverage to help protect the business in the event the volunteer has an accident. Coverage might even help you when the volunteer is deemed to be at fault.
- Professional Liability Insurance: A volunteer might make a mistake that negatively impacts the non-profit. Professional liability insurance can help you protect your organization's assets in the event the person or organizations affected seek legal damages.
- Workers Compensation Insurance: Some states require non-profit organizations to provide workers compensation. If a volunteer gets injured on the job, you can use this coverage to compensate them for medical costs, lost wages and other financial needs.
Many non-profits also invest in volunteer accident insurance. This can provide valuable medical coverage in the event that a volunteer is seriously injured in an accident on the premises of the non-profit.
When enrolling in non-profit policies, ask your insurance agent how they cover volunteers. Also tell the agent how you plan to use volunteers, and which tasks you will allow them to undertake. This can help the agent issue the correct coverage, so you can always protect your volunteers.
Protecting Your Volunteers
By keeping your volunteers safe, you also keep the non-profit safe. Always follow workplace rules and occupational laws when working with volunteers.
- Do not allow volunteers to complete tasks if they do not have proper training.
- Make sure volunteers sign proper participation waivers as required by law.
- Carefully track your volunteers as long as they are involved your organization. Should a volunteer pose an ongoing risk to the business, it is often best to part ways with the volunteer.
If a volunteer has a complaint or experiences an accident, do your best to isolate the problem. Then see to the needs of the volunteer. The right attention will help keep your non-profit's risks in check.
We can help you get coverage. Call California Church Insurance Services at (800) 767-8681 for a free California non-profit insurance quote.